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A Selection of Commonly Asked Osteopathy Questions

What is the difference between Osteopaths and Chiropractors?

These days the lines between the two are very blurred with the techniques used being the biggest difference. Typically, osteopaths tend to look at the whole body in order to trace back the original source of the problem preventing its return as best as possible. Whereas chiropractors typically stay closer to the problem area.

What techniques does an Osteopath use?

Osteopaths use a wide variety of techniques, such as gentle massage techniques and articulation of the joints. We are also known for ‘cracking’ joints, most commonly in the spine, however this isn’t suitable for everybody for many reasons. Least common amongst osteopaths is the practice of cranial osteopathy, this is a very gentle and subtle technique taking years to master. There are many techniques and the right ones are chosen for the wright scenario and person, meaning that treatment can be conducted on a person of any age.

What happens during Osteopathic Treatment?

On the first visit a full case history is taken, this looks into the presenting problem and all its attributes as well as any past medical history that may be causing or affecting anything. Following that a physical assessment is carried out as well as any special or orthopedic tests to help narrow down what structures and areas are causing the problem. The session is then followed by any relevant treatment techniques and ended with any appropriate guidance and advice.

Do you offer home visits?

Sadly for logistical reasons I am unable to offer home visits.

What conditions do you treat?

This is a complicated area as some conditions can be treated but others cannot be treated but instead they are managed.
Typically any area of the body experiencing pain can be assessed and a treatment plan devised but common complaints consist of: –
o Upper, mid and lower back pain.
o Shoulder and neck pain.
o Muscle spasm and tightness.
o Some forms of headaches.
o Buttock and thigh pain.

How long do osteopathic appointments usually last and when do you work?

Typically the first visit will take one hour with follow up sessions lasting for 40 minutes.

The number of sessions will depend on many factors such as duration of the problem, past history and any maintain factors, meaning this isn’t exact and fluctuates with each person.

I conduct appointments on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week and some Saturday mornings. I also offer evening appointments on Wednesday and Thursday.

Can I see an osteopath through the NHS or use private medical insurance?

Osteopathy is not available on the NHS within Warwickshire and the west midlands. GP’s may recommend but cannot refer a patient to an osteopath.

Depending on some medical insurance it is possible to claim back the cost of treatments direct from the insurer. Please check with your insurer or policy before enquiring.

Can you treat my back pain?

Depending on the area it is possible.
Lower back pain comes in many forms but benefits can usually be seen fairly quickly. If there is an issue with the intervertebral disk then this can alter the course or progression of treatment.

Upper back pain is common in desk workers and can lead to neck problems and headaches. While upper back pain is responsive to treatment, it is more susceptible to return and easy aggravation from any causing factors.

I have a pain in my legs, can you treat that?

This can be caused by many things, it can be a local problem with one of the joints or muscles or it can be referred pain from the back being caused by a joint or disc problem there. The cause of the pain will depend on the outcome, but generally success is good.

My neck is sore, can you help with neck pains

Neck pain is very common and can lead to some forms of headaches and even shoulder problems. Treatment does vary but results are generally good depending on the problem. The neck is more susceptible to osteoarthritis which may make complete recovery difficult or impossible, however pain and mobility loss can usually be managed.

How often do I need to come?

This depends on many factors, such as what the problem is, age, occupation etc. Generally, I start treatment sessions off at a week apart and as things improve then the gap between treatment sessions will increase to a point that recovery has occurred or maintenance is recommended.

Maintenance is when a periodic session is arranged months in advance. The purpose of this session is to make sure that any existing problem does not re occur if it shows signs of being able to do so. Not everybody will need maintenance and the gap between sessions varies from person to person.


I have recently completed a course of treatment with James and found him to be professional, punctual and very informative throughout. He helped me with my muscle pain issues and the results have been absolutely brilliant. I would definitely use his services again if I needed to.

Miss J H Smith


James has managed to treat not only my back and neck pain, but many other aches and pains which I have suffered from for years. He was professional, efficient and had a very agreeable manner. Most of all he actually listened to my issues, often researching other possible solutions to present to me on my next visit.

Mr B McDonnell

Location and Prices

31a High Street Alcester Warwickshire B49 5AF. FREE parking available in Bulls Head Yard or Waitrose car park.
Initial consultation - £45.00
Continuing session - £45.00
Payments in cash or card.

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